My heart aches for the many parents who have lost children in the recent violence that has plagued the United States. None of these events should have happened, but they did. Several were related to the perpetrator being mentally ill. Others were "copy cat killings." That is a component of mass shootings where one unstable person is motivated to seek the same "notoriety" as previous mass killers. The parents of these killers often lose their own children under a cloud of horror.
I believe that all the details and publicity surrounding these horrendous events should stop because it is motivating other people on the fringe to do the same thing. Publicity should be on a "need to know" basis. This would include law enforcement, parents and close family members, school administrators and employers should this be a school or workplace event.
The media does not need to know or to harass anyone affected for statements.
The other obvious question is why is it so difficult for disturbed children, adolescents and adults and their families to access convenient, quality mental health treatment? How does a six year old known to have psychiatric and behavioral issues shoot his teacher at school? How can a mother suffering with post-partum depression kill her three precious children then try to take her own life? She was in a support group, but obviously, deteriorated to the point of needing hospitalization and medication. But, was that recognized and available where she lived?
As these tragic accounts become public knowledge, we see repeatedly that the individuals involved were dangerously mentally ill. Yes, the mentally ill have rights, but so do the rest of us. Should persons who are a danger to others have the right to live on a street grate? Camp in front of a business owners door and threaten customers? Push people off subway platforms? Beat a woman so badly that she loses an eye?
Why should victims, parents, loved ones have their lives forever changed, even ended, because the person who harmed them needed psychiatric care? How do the mentally ill, who have been hospitalized, get guns? They lie on the permits. A strong lobby for the rights of the mentally ill opposes a national data base of persons who should not be legally allowed to purchase a gun.
Why is it so difficult and involved in red tape for a psychiatrist to involuntarily commit the dangerously mentally ill involuntarily for more than 72 hours? Why does the US have a shortage of inpatient psychiatric beds for chronically, dangerously mentally ill patients. Patients who would otherwise not take their medications as outpatients. Wind up homeless and present a danger to themselves and others. How did living on a street grate, park bench, subway concourse or makeshift encampment on a sidewalk or in a park become a right?
Is this the best the US can do for the severely mentally ill who not only affect their own lives, but the lives of their families, school mates and ordinary citizens going about their daily business? Insuring the convenient availability of quality mental health treatment for outpatients as well as inpatients is something that should be a priority for the US Congress. This is necessary to improve lives, save lives and spare the heartache of bad, even violent, outcomes.
Young people and medical students should be encouraged to go into mental health fields with tuition reimbursement. I am not in favor of across the board reimbursement, but in the field of mental health it could be a win win situation. Right now, it is difficult to get an appointment with a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist. Very few are taking new patients. Many do not take insurance so the patient has to pay high fees. There has been a rise in depression especially in teens and adolescents since Covid. The number one cause of death in the US in children, ten to fourteen years, is suicide! This is a horrible statistic. Often, situations have to progress to crises before treatment can be obtained. This can result in misfortunes all the way around.
I would urge everyone in the US to call your US Representative and Senator to demand that funding for mental health services be a priority. Plus, funding for research into mass slayings defined as the killing of four or more individuals. The phone number for the US Capitol Building is 202- 225-3121. Follow the prompts or tell the operator the name of the person you wish to be connected to. Nothing happens in the US without noise and pressure. Anyone directly affected should tell your story to your House and Senate persons.
I know countries outside the US also have violent incidents. You may have different forms of government and health care. But again, if you have been directly affected, contact your appropriate government official. Let them know what has happened to you and what remedies you believe need to be taken.
None of us can change what has happened. But, it may be possible to keep the same fate from coming to other kids, parents and families. Make phone calls. Send emails. Write letters. Ask for a response and enclose your contact information.
I pray for everyone who needs help to find help, a solution, strength and peace.
"But I am in pain and despair; lift me up, oh God, and save me! Psalm 69: 29
I would appreciate any comments and all followers. Feedback is important to me to know if I am meeting your needs. And what difficulties about losing a child you might like discussed.
May God be your refuge. Love, Rosemarie