Saturday, April 8, 2023


Here we are during Easter, Passover and Ramadan. Times which should be devoted to faith and peace. Yet, not only are we grieving the loss of our children, but we are seeing troubles worldwide. The war in Ukraine with unspeakable crimes, especially toward women and children. A once beautiful democratic country reduced to rubble. Tyrants in Russia. Plus China, Afghanistan and North Korea remain on the stage as bad actors. Always saber rattling about nuclear weapons. 

And much division, unrest, hatred, crime and violence in the United States. Brought about by a political party in the White House and Senate that has acceded their power to a very radical, fringe group of progressives. A group bent on gaining power by eliminating political opponents by any illegal means. Their tyrannical ends justify their extraordinary, malevolent means. Causing economic struggles, fear. confusion and governmental retaliation towards many law abiding, hardworking, tax payer Americans. Their supporters think the government owes them everything. Or they are wealthy elites with long time family money, wealth from the financial or tech world, entertainment, pro sports or political positions who are insulated from the real world. But challenge or expose them at your own peril. So much for American freedoms.

All this weighs heavy on me and I believe many of us as we try to find some peace and meaning in a path forward from losing our children. But, there is no good news. We see corruption and punishment of the wrong people. Retaliation toward people. Withholding of much needed aid from people in a town devastated by a toxic chemical railcar accident. Why? Because the population did not vote the "correct way." How many young children will become ill and maybe die from the long term effects of these toxins?We are in fear so we remain silent. And we have enough to deal with our own personal tragedies which sap our energy and motivation.

I am ashamed to admit when the natural time comes for the President and many in his party to meet their maker, I hope they will rot in hell for the evil they have created on this earth. The suffering they have caused while assuring us what "good Catholics' they are. Well I am Catholic. Their statements and actions are not only wrong, but evil. I express my disappointment that Pope Francis has not excommunicated these US politicians whose actions and statements are antithetical to Catholic doctrine. But of course, they would retaliate by probably finding cause to close all Catholic churches and schools and forbid religious instruction nationwide. The US has become a twilight zone.

So on top of our own personal tragedies and problems, this is where the United States is. In a state of tyranny where the American has died because of deceit, greed and something called "progressivism." A movement that supports coming after school children and parents to tell them that any perceived problem the child may have is coming from unrecognized transgenderism. Yet when the trans movement fixes such children, there is a 50% suicide rate. And pre-teens and teens are so confused by what these trans radicals are preaching, that depression and suicide is rising at astounding rates among these age groups. 

How can this agenda be legitimate if they have to use fear, force, unrelenting persuasion, threats and even violence to achieve such abysmal results. This is not a legitimate health issue, but a means to gain control of our kids, strip parents of their rights, take over school administrations. They want to destroy family and traditional values. The agenda is really Marxist based to achieve power, control and greed. Mostly in predominately White schools, but no inner city majority minority schools. I wonder why that is? It makes me even more skeptical of the legitimacy of the trans movement. These are disturbed, malevolent, Satanic inspired people who would bring such harm to children, parents, families and mostly biologic women as well.

If you have already lost a child and have living children, you must come out of your stuporous grief to protect and to find out what your child is being taught in school. Who is allowed to come into the school and what are they doing there? Who is funding them? What books are in the school library? Are Drag Queen story hours being presented? If what you find out is not to your approval, insist that your child not go to the library or be exposed to Drag Queens who are ADULT entertainment.

I have laid a lot on your plate which is not religious services, lilies, traditional foods or Mecca. But our living children must be protected. Must be allowed to have an actual childhood free from distressing and very confusing thoughts. Free from inappropriate sexualization. Free from outlandish, even scary. adult entertainment. The children I have seen at Drag Queen shows are not happy and having a good time. That is a LIE. They look absolutely frightened by the bizarre goings on and bizarre "Queens." Because they do not have their own kids, does not mean they have the right to have access to ours.

If your school district does not see the need to protect its students, then home school or send your child to an accredited religious school. Often, there is financial aid available.

This is not really the blogpost I intended to write. I wanted to wish you all a spiritual, peaceful, renewing religious holiday. Perhaps, it is the blog the Savior, Yahweh, and Allah wished me to write. To save many children from Satan. Evil is apart of our world. Satan never quits.

This is the season of fasting, praying and giving alms. If you can do nothing else, then, pray, pray, pray that our children will be protected and saved. Holiday blessings to you all.

"They make evil plans as they lie in bed; nothing they do is good, and they never reject anything evil. Psalm 36: 4

"Give yourself to the Lord; trust in Him and he will help you."  Psalm 37:

Wishing you peace and strength. Time to reflect. Time to remember. Time to celebrate your child's life. Time to contemplate the future. Time to move forward no matter how slow.

My love and prayers, Rosemarie

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