Wednesday, March 12, 2025


This is a change from my usual format. Today I am writing to young people who are contemplating suicide, driving drunk, using drugs and/or alcohol daily, contemplating a school shooting or live a life of gun violence to commit crimes.

First of all, your parents  will not be better off without you. They will be heartbroken if you die. Their lives will never be the same no matter how long they live.  Maybe you get a high living in a fast lane with drugs or using guns to mow down who you perceive to be your rivals. There is only one likely outcome here. You will die either from an overdose or someone will shoot and kill you. 

Your drug buddies, your dealer, your fellow gang members are not your family. Your parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins are your family. You may not think so, but they care about you. They will miss you terribly if you die. It will be very hard for them to go on with their lives if you die. Is this really what you want? To hurt all those who care about you? For your life to end?

If you are contemplating suicide, don't do it. Things can get better. Everyone goes through some sort of tragedy, thinking their life is not what they wanted or planned, but ending your life is not the answer. You need help. You can call 911 or 988 to get immediate help. If you don't feel you can talk to your parents, then talk to your school counselor, school nurse or school resource officer. Say you need help and are thinking about suicide.

Their jobs demand they get help for you and notify your parents so you can go to a mental health facility to get counseling, maybe meds or detox. This is what you need to protect your life. You do not need to die. These people are trained to counsel parents as well. Together with you and your parents, they can arrange for you to get immediate help.  Again, no matter how much pain you are feeling, suicide is not the answer. No one will be better off without you. Whoever is in your life, will have pain and sorrow for the rest of their lives. Is this what you really want? Be brave. You can go on. If someone is abusing or molesting you, you, you must share this information with your school counselor, nurse, administrator or school resource officer so it stops and you can get help. Your friends cannot change this. You need adult help.

Thinking about shooting up the school, then shooting yourself is not the answer to anything. It is not normal thinking. Do not touch any weapons. CAll 911. Tell the dispatcher what you are thinking. Whether you are armed or not. They will send officers and EMT's who will take you to the hospital. They will notify your parents. Together the officers, your parents and the hospital can place you in a facility where you and others will be safe. Nothing is to be gained by shooting other students or teachers. This is not the way you want to go down or be remembered. There is no glory here. You will only be remembered by the community with hatred. 

For older adults, employers often have mental health counseling programs through employee health. Phone numbers are usually posted at your workplace. You must get help. Call 911 or 988 or your country's emergency hotline number. Ending your life or shooting up your workplace is not the answer no matter how angry you feel. Walk away. Call 911 or 988. Revenge is not the answer no matter how wronged you feel. A shooting will not solve anything and can only land you in jail or the morgue. Is this what you want? Wanting to destroy other people's lives is not normal thinking. Get help.

If you are using drugs and/or alcohol daily to zone out, you need help. If you are unable to talk to your parents, get help at school. Call 988 to talk and they can help you or hook you up with someone or someplace that can help you. You are engaging in very risky behavior. If you do not get help, your life will most likely end tragically. Is this what you want? Do you really want to do this to your parents, family and friends? You are not alone. There are drug counselors and programs that can help you detox and steer you back in the right direction. Don't give up. Call 911 immediately if you are having a bad reaction to a drug.

If you are in a gang to sell drugs, shoplift, rob stores of cash, kill rival gang members, there are only two ways your life can go---prison or a slab in the morgue. Find a trusted adult to confide in. My suggestion is you go live with family, preferably in another state, and lay low and stay there. Clean up your life with God, the Church, a community group, school, sports. Keep your head down. Don't brag about your past life. Go to school daily. Be respectful. If you can't handle school, then get your GED. Get into a trades program for a job or go to community college. You are not beyond redemption if you work at turning your life around. Be grateful to whoever has taken you in. Don't bring trouble to their doorstep.

There is a lot to digest and take in here. The bottom line is harming yourself or others is never the answer.Your goals should be to live a safe life and not bring trouble to yourself and pain to others.

Get the help you need. Wishing you peace and strength, Love, Rosemarie

A few words from the good book:  "Trust in God at all times, my people. Tell him all your troubles for he is our refuge."   Psalm 62: 8. 

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